
Financial Operations

Streamline your financial operations with real-time accounting software.

Bills and reimbursements

Get full visibility into accounts payable bills and reimbursements.

Easily track accounts payable bills and payments. Apply cash transactions to accounts payable bills. Input existing bills into Puzzle to track the status.

Eliminate manual reimbursement categorization.

Puzzle has a native integration with Ramp that enables direct sync of reimbursements from Ramp into Puzzle, including PDFs, memo fields, and account coding. This integration can reduce manual categorization for reimbursements by 100%.

Upload and sync bills.

Upload bills received directly into Puzzle. Easily maintain one source of truth with detailed documentation.

Ask questions about bills.

Comment directly in a bill to save important details, share visibility, or save information for audits.

With just a few clicks,
see your entire financial picture